Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The 1st colourless coffee in the word ( clear coffee)

Clear Coffee That Won't Stain Your Teeth Has Arrived.

CLEAR COFFEE is the first colorless coffee drink inthe World. This refreshing beverage is made from high quality Arabica coffee beans and pure water. It is produced by methods which have never been used before. Due to this combination of technology and high quality ingredients a drink has been developed which is unique in taste and flavour. Our product does not contain preservatives, artificial flavours, stabilizers, sugar or any other sweeteners. If you are looking for a refreshing coffee but you want to keep your smile white, then Clear Coffee is perfect for you!

英国《標准晚报》报导,来自欧洲国家斯洛伐克的「CLR CFF」公司近期推出了全球首款「透明咖啡」,透过独创技术將咖啡里的色素全去除,成了外表与矿泉水无异,但却有咖啡香的饮料。

info from website

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