Saturday, April 22, 2017

Sugar and you. 糖和你。

Added Sugar Doesn’t Sweeten Your Health!
Did you know that sugar comes under the mask of different names such as dextrose, fructose, molasses? Find out how these added sugars can be unhealthy for you!


added sugar

Recommendations to limit sugar intake is not something new to us. 2013 World Health Statistics Report showed that in 2008, Malaysia had the highest obesity prevalence for adults aged > 20 years among Southeast Asian countries (10.4% among males, 17.9% among females). This rising problem is found to be closely linked to our diet and lifestyle, in which excessive sugars and sweeteners consumption being one of the key contributing factors. Increased intake of foods high in sugar can also contribute to dental caries, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other diet-related health conditions.

According to American Heart Association (AHA), added sugar refers to sugars and syrup added to foods during processing or preparation and those added at the table. They are commonly found in processed foods, sugary beverages, sugary cereal and bakery products, flavoured yogurts, candy and other confectionery items. Do watch out for other names of added sugars on food labels such as anhydrous dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, liquid fructose, crystal dextrose, confectioner’s powdered sugar, nectars, honey, brown sugar, molasses, corn syrup solids, invert sugar, evaporated corn sweetener and cane juice. Added sugars sweeten a food but they provide virtually no nutrition except calories!

A study done in 2016 showed that the major sources of added sugar in the Malaysian diet are cordial syrup, condensed milk, Kopi, Teh Tarik, local kuihs, jam, ABC ice, carbonated drinks and chocolate-flavoured drinks. Malaysian Dietary Guidelines 2013 recommends to consume foods and beverages low in sugar. Meanwhile, World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that free sugar intake should not exceed 10% of the total energy, i.e. not more than 50g per day. But do you know how much is 50g? Check it out from the infographic below!
限制糖摄入量的建议对我们而言并不新鲜。 2013年世界卫生统计报告显示,2008年,马来西亚东南亚国家20岁以上成年人肥胖患病率最高(男性10.4%,女性17.9%)。发现这个上升的问题与我们的饮食和生活方式密切相关,其中过量的糖和甜味剂消费是其中的主要因素之一。增加摄入高糖的食物也可能导致龋齿,2型糖尿病,心脏病和其他饮食相关的健康状况。
根据美国心脏协会(American Heart Association,AHA),加糖是指在加工或制备过程中添加到食品中的糖和糖浆以及加在表中的糖。它们通常用于加工食品,含糖饮料,含糖谷物和面包店产品,调味酸奶,糖果和其他糖果物品。请注意食品标签上的其他名称,如无水葡萄糖,果汁浓缩液,果糖,水晶葡萄糖,糖果糖粉,蜜糖,蜂蜜,红糖,糖蜜,玉米糖浆固体,转糖,蒸发的玉米甜味剂和甘蔗汁。添加糖可以使食物变甜,但除了卡路里,它们几乎不会提供营养!
2016年进行的一项研究表明,马来西亚饮食中添加糖的主要来源包括亲糖,炼乳,Kopi,Teh Tarik,当地的kuihs,果酱,ABC冰,碳酸饮料和巧克力味饮料。 “马来西亚饮食指南”2013建议消费低糖食品。同时,世界卫生组织(WHO)建议,免费摄入的糖摄入量不应超过总能量的10%,即每天不超过50g。但是你知道有多少是50g?从下面的图表中查看!
So how can we reduce sugar intake before it starts to cause health troubles? Here’s how!

1.Read food labels from now! Scan for added sugar and sweeteners in the ingredient list and rethink your choices in your shopping cart. Replace with healthier options like fresh fruits and vegetables. For instance, instead of 3-in-1 oat drinks, choose plain oats and add mashed banana to your oatmeal in the morning for natural sweetness!

2.Instead of sugary beverages, opt for water, unsweetened tea, milk or sparkling water. You can also make your own fruit-infused water at home!

3.Drop the usual habit of reaching for the typical kuih manis at tea time. Instead, opt for healthier choices like popiah basah, kuih apam, fresh fruits, plain yogurt or wholegrain crackers!

  1. 从现在开始阅读食品标签!在成分列表中扫描添加的糖和甜味剂,并在购物车中重新考虑您的选择。更换更健康的选择,如新鲜水果和蔬菜。例如,不要使用31燕麦饮料,选择平原燕麦,并在早上添加捣碎的香蕉到您的燕麦粥,以获得天然甜味!
  2. 而不是含糖饮料,选择水,不加糖的茶,牛奶或闪光的水。您也可以在家里自己注入水果!
  3. 放下通常的习惯,在茶时间到达典型的kuih manis。相反,选择更健康的选择,popiah basahkuih apam,新鲜水果,纯酸奶或全麦饼干

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