Saturday, April 22, 2017

埃博拉 病毒 Ebola virus

埃博拉(Ebola) 知多少。。。
 一般上,普通人是很难辨别的。其症状就如一般病毒症状,包括:发烧,头痛,晕眩,关节疼痛, 肌肉疼痛, 没胃口。 呕吐,腹泻,肚痛是较晚的症状。如不及时治疗会导致内出血,休克,甚至死亡。
 目前治疗埃博拉病患最重要的便是阻止疫情蔓延,所以有效的隔离病患及小心处理其体液是至关重要的。为确保有效的观察病患,我们会把让病患入院,并且小心处理病患的症状及预防或治疗其内出血的并发症以避免休克甚至死亡。因为腹泻及呕吐等症状,所以确保病人能在病房里达到最好的营养及饮食的照顾也是不容忽视的。这些治疗方式被称为“ 支持性治疗(supportive care)。
 如今医学界还未有任何的药物被证实能达到治疗的效果。 但相信许许多多的医学研究正进行以达到治疗效果。或许在不久的将来我们能见到埃博拉病毒受控制。
What about Ebola?

What is Ebola?
Ebola is actually a virus Name, which is generally used for physical contact and physical fluids.

How can we identify the symptoms of Ebola?
Generally, ordinary people are very difficult to identify. The symptoms are like the symptoms of the general virus, including fever, headache, dizziness, joint pain, muscle pain, and no appetite. Vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain is a late symptom. The absence of timely treatment will lead to internal bleeding, shock and even death.

How can we avoid serious complications?
If you have been to the Ebola epidemic epidemic or the patients who have been exposed to the symptoms, I remember the early treatment.

How do we treat Ebola?
At Present, the most important thing to treat Ebola is to prevent the spread of the epidemic, so it is essential to effectively isolate the patients and to handle their bodily fluids In order to ensure the effective observation of the patient, we will bring the patients to hospital and be careful with the symptoms of the disease and the prevention or treatment of their internal bleeding to avoid shock or even death Because of symptoms such as diarrhoea and vomiting, it is therefore not to be overlooked that the patient can meet the best nutrition and diet in the ward. These treatments are referred to as " supportive treatment (supportive care).
Nowadays, the medical profession has not yet been able to prove the effectiveness of the treatment. However, it is believed that many medical studies are being carried out in order to achieve the treatment. Perhaps in the near future, we can see the Ebola virus under control.

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