Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Source from Michael Singho's post.

Interesting to see the efforts by the Melaka Eurasian Community in seeking cooperation from the Melaka government on sustainable development near to the Portuguese Settlement that will not interrupt the livelihood of the fishermen.
Penang Island is also facing the same issue in the south that potentially could have an effect on fishing activities in the area.

 It has been quite a while since my last posting on this issue,but be rest assured that it is far from being neglected.As it stands the STOP WORK ORDER from the Federal Department,of Environment is still in effect and it has been so since March 2015.
Our last meeting with the State Government Agencies,led by the the State Economic Development Unit (UPEN) and the Developer KAJ Development was in September last year where we presented our proposals and concerns equipped with adjustment plans to the design contours of the project.
They were:
1.To adhere strictly to the 750m distance from the project to the shores of the Portuguese Settlement on areas fronting the Settlement as stated clearly in the 1997 macro-EIA report. for island-type development.
2.To adhere strictly to the 500m distance from the project to the shores of all other areas as also stated in the same macro-EIA report
3.To make provisions for an adequately distanced separating channel between.the existing Pulau Melaka and the MelakaGateway's 1st, Island.This is a compulsory and fundamental need and requirement to allow the movements of the tide and currents as well as to allow proper flushing of polluted waters from drains and canals with replenishment
tides from the Sea.Making it even a more substantial need is the reality of a clogged up,progressively narrowing separating channel between Pulau Melaka and the mainland that has ceased in its purpose of the adequate carrying of the tides and flushing..Curreently as can be seen in the accompanying picture,the situation has become horrendous and much more critical with the joining of MelakaGateway to Pulau Melaka.Dead mud and polluted waters now fill the surrounding environment,
A separating channel between Pulau Melaka and MelakaGateway is fundamental and compulsory,We have proposed a separating channel of at least 200m,for it to function adequately.
4.We proposed a more adequately-distanced channel between the MelakaGateway 1st.Island and its 2nd Island (yet to commence reclamation works),We proposed a separating channel of at least 500m as compared to the 100m provision on the design
The separating waterway between the Islands and the Portuguese Settlement need to be sufficiently and adequately fed with the tidal waters and unhampered current flow where proper flushing could also take place,to act as a clean,well-functioned waterway that is alive and vibrant with fish and other marine life.
5..We also requested for a proper and current,SIA report to be cafrried out.
6.Reiterated that fair and deserving mpnetary compensation has to be formulated and paid to our affected Fishermen.
7.The trimming of the HATTEN Development outcrop at the right flank of the Portuguese Settlemet shores that is contributing to the heavy siltation on that flank.
8.Requested for land compensation from the Government for the lost of our uninterrupted sea environment and coastal conditions.The land is an extension pf the Settlement targetted for the left coastal flank and be used and utilised where the whole Community could benefit together.
We are yet to receive any feedback to our proposals.
In December I represented the Portuguese Settlement and the Community at the forum to air our views opinions etc.on Malacca's Economic Development up to the year 2035.
I attended as the representative of the Portuguese Settlement JKKK, as well as being the President of MPEA.
As highlighted in the blue-print and during the course of the presentation,the MelakaGateway was highlighted as the most Iconic among the prospective development of Malacca for that time frame.
I spoke clearly and firmly after first expressing that we the Portuguese-Eurasian Community are not against progress and development,but it must come with great responsibility.I continued by telling them thatwe are not against the project in total but reiterated on the ill- effects this iconic development will have on the Portuguese Settlement and its surrounding areas if adjustments are not made to the design contours and if proper steps are not taken to preserve and protect the environment,eco-system.livelihood and social dynamics of the people
There appeared genuine attention and concerns from the State Agencies and officials.I was advised to express my views,and proposals in writing while indicating that my earlier
input has reached the attention of the State.
I prepared the written proposals corresponding to the ealier ones as indicated above with a great measure of consistency.
I also added that future development plans including coastal highways must not come at the expanse of our Sea and Sea-front.
The proposals were duly sent.
In middle March I received a letter from the Malacca State Government to attend a meeting in relation to the proposals I sent earlier.I could not attend as I was then in Australia.
ThePort.Sett.JKKK Chairman Richard Hebdricks and the Sec. of the MPEA,Philomena SinghoTan attended in my place.
The discussion apparently was to confirm the concerns and proposals and that they had the support and endorsement of the JKKK and the Community.
We were assured that the Govt will take this matter and all our concerns and proposals seriouly and do the best they could for our Porttuguese Settlement and our Portuguese-Eurasian Community.
So now we await,while the fight goes on.
Muitu Grande Merse.

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