Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Correct step to carry heavy stuff.

Check out this cool visual!


 You've all heard that you should lift with your legs and not your back. But I feel like no one ever explains why?😞 So I had some 🎬 editing fun with this video from my buddy @jake.price.dc out in Houston.

 You see, it all comes down to physics.📐 You have this thing called a "moment arm". This is the shortest distance from the axis of rotation (hip joint here) and the line of force from whatever your lifting. A longer moment arm means the weight is relatively heavier and more strenuous to lift because the load is further away. Shorter is the opposite.
better hold a 10 pound weight by your side and then extend your arm fully. You'll find the latter to be heavier because the weight is further away.
❌So when you keep the load far away, it's harder to lift, more stress on your back, and harder to keep a stable spinal position. Not good!

✅Instead, get the load as close as possible, get tight and stable, and lift from there. That may have you squatting it up like the video or doing more of a deadlift motion. Either way, you want that weight as close as possible.

 Share this with a friend and let's spread the word on better lifting mechanics. No more injuries from bad technique!

 Repost: @dr.jacob.harden #hinge #deadlift #power #safe #strong #lift

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