Sunday, August 27, 2017

李小龙试镜《青蜂侠》片段曝光‧极快拳 速吓傻外国人







安娜貝爾碰上蠟筆小新 超級搞笑

I retired at 52 with a $3 million net worth — here are my 10 best tips to build wealth

My man ESI from makes a return today to share his tips on what to really focus on in order to grow our wealth exponentially. You might remember him from his previous post that went viral on the 10 things he didn't expect in early retirement, which he's still very much in and still very much enjoying. Thanks for taking the time, good sir!
We all have money tips coming out our ears. Do this. Don't do that. Do this or that. And on and on… The advice seems endless. So much so that if you try to follow them all you'd end up with no time to actually live your life.
At the same time, all money tips are not created equal. While many are valuable, there are some that are exponentially better. These are the tips that will make you wealthy.

So let's get to the good stuff and cast the rest aside for now. Based on the experience of managing my own money — allowing me to accumulate a few million dollars and retire at 52 — here are my recommended ten big financial moves that will propel your wealth skyward!

1. Get an advanced education in a valuable field
College degrees can add significant wealth. There's no debate that (on average) the more education you have, the more you'll earn and the less likely you are to be unemployed.
And if you can keep debt low while getting the degree (and there are reliable ways of doing this), then it's almost guaranteed that getting a college degree is a good deal.
Even better is getting a degree in the right field. It's well-known that certain careers pay more than others. Pick one that is closer to the top than the bottom and you're finances will thank you for it.
Consider this finding: College graduates earn $1 million more than high school graduates over their lifetime, and the income gap between the highest-paid college majors and the lowest-paid is more than $3 million dollars.
To make even more, get an advanced degree in a high-paying field. This is where the big money can kick in.
I got an MBA by spending a grand total of $5k for six years of college (because I was willing to work during school and got good grades). My MBA was worth an extra $1 million to $2 million, even though I only worked until I was 52. If I had stayed employed into my sixties you could take on a few more million.

Of course, you have to factor in abilities and interests when picking a career. But most people have at least a handful of fields that would work for them. If they select one which pays a bit more, they will be making a solid financial decision which can help them become quite wealthy over time.

2. Focus on growing your career
Even if you don't pick a vocation in the highest-earning field, your career is a multi-million dollar asset. If you don't believe me, take a starting salary of $40k, add in 3% annual raises over 45 years, and look at the result. You'll have earned $3.7 million.
Even better, you can manage your career to get those 3% average raises even higher. Doing so will help you earn millions more throughout your career.
Take the same numbers from above and instead of 3% raises use 8.16% raises. The difference is over $10 million!
Think it can't be done? I averaged 8.16% increases for 28 years using seven steps that grow any career. Plus, it took me years to figure out the seven steps. You don't have to go through that trouble, so you have the potential to do much better than I did.
Of course, 8.16% could be considered on the high side. So let's go low. Let's say you average 4% annual raises. That extra 1% will allow you to earn an extra $1.1 million more than what 3% raises would.
Any way you look at it, managing your career for income growth will have a huge impact on your finances.

3. Control spending
No matter how much you make, you can spend it all. We don't have to look far to find examples. It's almost a cliche that high-income actors and sports stars go bankrupt. People who have made millions somehow spend it all and then some. As a result, they are often left with nothing (or less).
A bit closer to home, you can see this principle play out across our country.
The median American household annual income is $51,939. U.S. households median net worth is $80,039. This means that over a 40-year period at an 8% return rate, the average American is saving a paltry $310 a year. What are they doing with all the rest? They are spending it!
On the other hand, those who control their spending do much better.
Assume a family can save $5k per year (less than 10% of their income). In 40 years at 8% they will have a net worth of $1.3 million. See what even a little bit of saving can do over a lifetime?
And this doesn't mean you have to save on EVERYTHING, just some things. Enjoy your life by spending on what you want here and there, just keep it in line so you have excess to save and invest. Even 10% will make you wealthy over time.
Personally, I wanted to do better than average and was able to save 36% of my income. Others have saved much more. If we can do it, so can you.
There are two major areas to control spending: on the big things, and on the little things.
Big things like homes, cars, extravagant vacations, and the like can bust your budget in a single move. Little things like eating out for lunch regularly, smoking a pack of cigarettes daily, and, dare I say, drinking $5 cups of coffee several times a day don't seem like much, but they can add up to big dollars over time.

4. Eliminate debt
Debt is a financial killer, especially consumer debt. And yes, even "good debt" like a mortgage and student loan debt can be bad in many situations. Look no further than 2008 for housing debt and the current issues with student loan debt.
The average American will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest over the course of his/her lifetime. Imagine if this expense was eliminated or even cut in half and invested? This move alone would make anyone's net worth sky-high.
We eliminated all debt over 20 years ago when we paid off our mortgage. We had already retired our car loans and a personal loan. Then we focused everything on paying off the mortgage. It started with buying a house we could afford — one half the price the bank wanted to lend to us. We then took all extra cash — bonuses, financial gifts, etc. — and put them against the mortgage. We cut spending as well and made extra payment after extra payment.
Less than a decade later, we were completely debt free.
Not having debt for two decades allowed us to dramatically increase the amount we saved, which in turn super-charged our net worth.

5. Invest early and often
You've probably heard that time is your greatest investing asset. It's true. The more investments earn and grow on their own, the greater they become.
Investment value is also greatly impacted by the amount invested.
These two factors are why you want to put away as much as you can as soon as you can. Fortunately, both of these decisions are within your control.
Return rate is the third variable in the investment growth equation and gets most of the press. However it's actually the least important of the three in determining your overall results. Furthermore, beating the averages in return rate is virtually impossible.
You can spend hours and hours trying to find the right investments, only to not pick a winner. Or you can just invest in low-cost index funds and let them do the work — and beat 95+% of investments over time! This is what I've done and what I recommend.
Finally, you have to stick with it, which may be the hardest investing choice of all.
I remember back in 2008-2010 when things were really dicey. My portfolio was down big-time. I had put money in all the way down and there was no sign it was going to come back.
But I kept at it and even found extra cash to invest.
Seven years later I'm so glad I did. That money is now worth a small fortune!
Many think the stock market is due for a drop soon. No one knows when it will happen, but if it does, keep the faith. Market drops are often the time to buy if you have at least a 10-year time horizon.

6. Marry well
You can make all the great money moves in the world, but if you're married to someone who makes all the wrong moves you're in trouble.
You don't have to marry Suze Orman or Dave Ramsey, but you do need a spouse who shares your financial goals and general outlook on money.
This was a VERY big part of our financial success.
I was good at tips #1, #2, and #5 above, but my wife was great at #3 and #4. In words from The Millionaire Next Door, I was good at offense and she was good at defense.
Together we had a winning combination. We knew what we wanted to accomplish, divided up the responsibilities, and climbed up the money mountain together.

7. Have goals and a plan to reach them
First of all, having a goal is key to being financially successful. It sets the bar and allows you to work towards what you want to achieve.
It doesn't need to be a 100-page treatise comparable to the federal budget, but you must have at least a general goal like "retire at 40 with $2 million in the bank." It's better yet to have SMART goals.
Second, simply having a goal does little good if you don't then take action on reaching these goals.
You need to break each goal into bite-sized tasks that allow you to grow your career and control your spending if you want to accumulate wealth.
I know this can seem daunting, but it doesn't need to be. Simply write down what you want to accomplish and what you're going to do to get you there. Then just make a small bit of progress every day. Over time, those seemingly little advances will add up to something big.
This was the tip that I missed when I was young. I went several years without a specific money plan and I lost five years of investing. Do you know what those five years would be worth now? Thousands.
But hopefully my bad planning demonstrates that even if you've made a few mistakes along the way, there's hope for you if you take action now.

8. Track net worth and cash flow
Net worth and cash flow statements are financial success scorecards. Net worth (assets less liabilities) tells you how you are growing your wealth over time, and is of course something that J$ likes to drill into our heads.
Cash flow statements (aka "budgets" listing income less expenses) tell you how much you are making and how it's being spent. From there, you can make decisions that allow you to do more of the former and less of the latter, freeing up more money for investing.
We have tracked our net worth monthly for over 20 years. We use Quicken, but you can also use Mint, Personal Capital, a spreadsheet, or even paper. The key is that you track it on a regular basis (probably at least quarterly) to see how you're doing at growing your wealth. It lets you know if what you're doing is working or not. (Editor's Note: I'm on month #114 in a row – best thing I ever did for my money!!!)
We have had a budget for years as well. We use a spreadsheet that I update monthly. It's very useful at showing where our money is spent which allows us to make adjustments sooner rather than later.
Many people hate budgets because they think they are too restrictive. I've found them to be the opposite. They allow me to know exactly what I'm earning and spending, which then frees me to make the lifestyle decisions I want to make.
My guess is that our budget alone was responsible for half of our spending control success.

9. Develop side hustles
In addition to growing your career, a side hustle/business is a great way to #1) do something you enjoy and #2) bring in some extra income to grow your net worth much faster. Also something J$ loves to share here. (See: 71 Ways to Make Money On The Side)
I've had several side hustles over the years including:
• Freelance writing for magazines — This was a major contributor to paying off our mortgage
• Blogging — I had a blog before my current one which was quite successful
• Refereeing — Mostly done because my son needed the money and we did it together, but a few extra thousand dollars a year never hurts
• Real estate — My biggest side business of all (though some could call it an investment) which allowed me to retire without having to draw down any assets
The great thing about a side hustle is that it speeds up early retirement dramatically.
Assume you can retire when you are able to generate $40k in income per year. At a 4% asset withdrawal rate, this means you'd need $1 million saved. Also assume you can invest $10,000 a year towards that goal at an 8% return.
If you have no side hustle, it would take you 29 years to reach your goal.
If you have a side hustle that took four years to build up to $20k per year, and you invested that money, in 12 years you'd have $503k (which would generate just over $20k at 4% withdrawal) plus a business that generated $20k. Bam! You're at your $40k annual goal.
So the side hustle is probably worth it to save 17 years of working, right?

10. Learn about money and manage it yourself
No one cares more about you than you do, but there are plenty of people who care about your money. Many of them want to turn it into their money and they are quite good at it.
Others have good intentions but simply don't understand how money works. And yes, this includes many, if not most, financial advisors. The only way to avoid being taken (one way or the other) is to know the basics of managing money yourself.
Fortunately, the money principles you need to be successful are simple to learn and few in number. With a handful of books and regular reading of some good money blogs you will develop the knowledge and skill not only to protect yourself, but to thrive financially.
We were fortunate to take a Dave Ramsey-like class at our church soon after we were married. It set up a good foundation for us. I continued by reading several personal finance books and applying the key principles that I learned. Finally, I began to write about money and became even more educated along the way.
I started from ground zero, and if I can learn how to manage my money, you certainly can too.
Everything you need to know
Yes, there are a ton of other financial guidelines you could implement — probably thousands. But if you want the biggest financial bang for the time spent, focus on these ten wins above.
If you get these right, there's no way for you not to become financially free yourself.
ESI is the founder of ESI Money, a blog about achieving financial independence through earning, saving, and investing (ESI). It's written by an early 50s retiree who achieved financial independence, shares what's worked for him, and details how others can implement those successes in their lives. You can learn more about him, and get his free ebook, here: Three Steps to Financial Independence.

Read the original article on Budgets Are Sexy. Copyright 2017.

Humans are no longer at the top of the food chain.

Humans are no longer at the top of the food chain. Ghouls live among us. From the worldwide best-selling manga - #TokyoGhoul opens 24.08.17 in Singapore.

Your neighbor's WiFi is ruining yours — here's how to fix it

If you're getting slow or delayed WiFi in your home, it could be because your neighbors are using the same channel as you. While you're not on the same network, those other devices can still interfere with yours. Here's how to fix it.

source from Tech Insider


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Saturday, August 26, 2017


泰国今日报道!普吉岛机场闹鬼!泰国普吉岛飞机廊桥,廊桥没有连接飞机。但是被拍到很多人在走😱😱😱😱泰国报道相信这些是死于普吉岛海啸的冤魂。7月鬼門關大開 真的不是開玩笑的









OMG why the helipcopter "floating." 😱😱

Sunday, August 6, 2017

用蜜桃臀把男友吃死死的5個愛愛體位 讓他夜夜想到妳就忍不住自摸


COSMO Angel近來發現男性好友們,從以前的乳控、腿控到現在,受到歐美潮流影響,各個轉性變成美尻控!









4 early symptoms of ovarian cancer that every woman needs to know

Cancer, as a broad spectrum of disease, is currently one of the leading causes of death worldwide (1), and is responsible for 30% of all deaths in Canada — more than any other disease or possible cause (2). Ovarian cancer specifically was estimated to have 2800 new cases and 1750 deaths in Canada (3), and 22,280 new cases and 14,240 deaths in the United States in 2016 (4), according to the Canadian and American Cancer Societies.

What is Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer occurs when the cells of the ovaries develop tumors that become malignant. This type of cancer is known as the silent killer due to a perceived lack of symptoms and difficulty being detected with screening. Though most common in post-menopausal women, more and more cases show increased prevalence in women in their 30s and 40s, perhaps even younger.  Research out of the UK found that early detection of cancer can drastically increase your chance of survival, so paying attention to your body and regular check-ins with your doctor are key.(5) (6)
The thing is, ovarian cancer is not silent, but quiet. There is currently no one reliable test: smear tests do not pick up malignant cysts, and even CA125 blood tests often give false negatives. (6) Another issue is that many of the symptoms are mistaken for other diseases, such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), leaving early stage tumors undiagnosed until they reach stage 3, where they can present as lumps in the abdomen and pelvic area.
New research shows that there are signs and symptoms of early-stage ovarian cancer, and as women, we must be observant and know when something is a red flag.

4 Symptoms that may be signs of Ovarian Cancer:

1. Persistent Bloating

If you notice you are getting bloated consistently and often (frequently happening for more than three weeks), where you weren’t before, this could be a sign of cancerous tumors growing.

2. Lower Abdominal and Pelvic Pain

Think of all of the areas you may feel menstrual cramps – your lower stomach, pelvic region, perhaps even in your lower back. While pain during menstruation is normal, persistent pain that sticks around long after your period is gone (again, three weeks or more) could be a sign of ovarian cancer. This one is especially important for pre-menopausal women to watch out for because it is so easily passed off for period pain.

3. Difficulty eating/feeling full quickly

If you notice a significant decrease in your appetite for a span longer than three weeks, talk to your doctor. While this could be a sign of a whole host of stomach, intestine, and bowel issues, it also may signify cancer.

4. Increased need to urinate

If you find yourself visiting the ladies room at a much higher frequency, despite making no changes to liquid intake, or you are fine one minute and urgently need to pee the next, you may have early stages of ovarian cancer.
All of these symptoms can easily, and often are, mistaken for issues and diseases with the Gastrointestinal tract. If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms when you weren’t before, it is important to monitor their frequency and persistence. If they don’t go away after three weeks or more, make an appointment with your doctor to talk about getting checked for Ovarian Cancer.
As women, it is up to us to monitor our own health, as well inform the women in our lives so that they, too, recognize the symptoms of this potentially fatal disease. Help us fight ovarian cancer by sharing this article with your friends and family!


家裡藏「這一物」,老公能賺大錢 !全家平安吉祥!!!!!!!!!








錦鯉、金魚,如果你想令家中或辦公室更有生氣,你可以飼養錦鯉或金魚,因為利和金都與人的財富有關。“九”則有“長長久久”的含意。所以養魚最好養九尾“十九尾或廿九尾。  3、財神財神分武財神(關公)和文財神。財神敬之得當,可得全家或企業財運享通;敬之不當,財神則會變為散財之神,耗財破損。
尤其是武財神關公,如敬之不當,不但不能帶來財運,關公的那口大刀還會傷人。一般原則是,武財神要面向門口,文財神忌面向門。 4、運財童子顧名思義為運財之物,若全屋皆為未婚男士更為有效。此物忌已婚人士選用。此物放在浴室最為有效,因水為財也。

二、放在大門入屋斜角之角落,此處地方藏風聚氣,亦是財位,放上一對金元寶以加強招財進寶之氣。 6、蟾蜍旺財蟾蜍與普通蟾蜍的分別是它只擁有三隻腳而不是四隻。傳說它本是妖精,後來改邪歸正,四處吐錢給人,所以,後來被人們當作旺財瑞獸。






注意!「大腸癌」的2大徵兆你一定要知道 ! 晚看了後悔一輩子!!

大腸癌的成因:「簡單說,是先有便祕,接著產生息肉,再病變成大腸癌。」大腸是由升結腸、橫結腸、降結腸及乙狀結腸等所構成,左側的大腸管徑比右 側大腸窄,當有腫瘤發生時,就會出現腸阻塞而引起便祕、腹脹甚至腹痛的情形。因為糞便大多在左側的結腸成形,因此如果阻塞的狀況嚴重的話,所排出的糞便就 會有時還會參雜血絲, 嚴重到便祕及解血便情形。、
大腸癌的成因與飲食最有關係,其次是遺傳,因此經常大魚大肉或有家族病史者,一定要 每年接受檢查,及早發現及早治療。許多研究皆顯示,攝取過多的動物性脂肪會增加罹患大腸癌的機會,因此應多吃高纖食物,食物纖維有助於吸收腸內水分,使糞 便體積增大,刺激腸子蠕動,方便排泄,避免便祕且縮短致癌物質留在腸內的時間,降低罹癌機率。
預防大腸癌5祕訣 ,注意5項要點:

1.健康飲食:記住「低脂、高纖、禁菸酒」的方式。高纖食物的定義為每100公克含4公克以上的纖維質,例如:麥麩、米麩、木耳、香菇、芭樂、豌豆、綠豆、黃豆等。少吃烤肉。燒烤肉類,容易在表面形成致癌物質。同時,動物油脂滴在火焰裡冒煙,也容易形成致癌的物質,因此常吃烤肉類容易增加大腸癌罹患率。其他像是醃漬、煙燻、加硝的食品,如火腿、香腸、臘肉等),都可能含有致癌的添加物,最好不要吃為妙 .



5.定期篩檢:由 於大腸癌形成的時間較長,若能先檢查出腸內有無息肉,可在息肉未病變前先切除或預防,因此定期身體檢查可預防大腸癌的形成。50歲以上、無症狀者,建議每 年做糞便潛血反應檢查,以及每5年做軟式乙狀結腸鏡檢查。若有息肉、大腸癌家族史等的中危險群,建議每3年接受一次大腸鏡檢查。有慢性潰瘍性結腸炎、家族 性大腸息肉、幼年型息肉症、遺傳性非息肉症大腸直腸癌等高危險群,則建議1至2年做大腸鏡檢查。

腸道清爽 人就健康




這只是大腸癌病人的一般飲食注意的方面,但是由於每一位病人的大腸癌的導致原因有所差異,因此飲食上的調整也會不同,因此要在醫生的指導下,選 擇部分進行調整,另外專家指出:大腸癌病人在治療過程,由於藥物等一些原因會出現厭食的情況,要設法攝取食物才會使治療更加有療效。
健康百科網溫馨提示:以上為你介紹的就是治療大腸癌的4個妙方,腸癌主要治療措施仍是外科手術治療,臨床凡能手術切除的腫瘤,隻要病人能耐受手術, 均應手術切除,即使對部分有遠處轉移的病例,仍應爭取切除原發灶,以解決可能出現的梗阻、出血等問題。在強調和重視外科手術治療的同時,中醫藥及放、化療 對大腸癌的治療也有著重要的作用,對不能手術或不願接受手術的病人則以內科治療為主。

