Monday, June 5, 2017

Great artists are always messengers of Truth.

Preaching peace, when the ruling class profit from war, ultimately makes you a target/Artist credit: Banksy

The illusion of choice…/Artist unknown

“Feed me!”/Artist credit: John Holcroft

Athletes have turned into walking advertisements/Artist credit: Luis Quiles

Go to school, study hard, get a good…./Artist unknown

“Here fishy fishy…”/Artist credit: Paweł Kuczyński

Drug abuse is directly linked to escaping pain, and is usually rooted in child hood trauma/Artist credit: Paweł Kuczyński

It’s all about business/Artist credit: John Holcroft

Man has allowed the system to become his god/Artist credit: Unknown

Santa’s real elves…/Arstist credit: Paweł Kuczyński

Most girls are attracted to the worst guys/Artist Credit: Luis Quiles

Stuck in your own bubble/Artist credit: John Holcroft

Biggest liars on the planet/Artist credit: Paweł Kuczyński

‘Murica!!!!/Artist credit: Pokket Mowse

Our apathy has allowed homeless people to practically become invisible/Artist credit: Paweł Kuczyński

Choose your own path in life or society will choose one for you/Artist credit: Luis Quiles

There is no water crisis, there is only a crisis of greed and apathy/Artist credit: Paweł Kuczyńskii

Slavery comes in many forms…/Artist credit: Paweł Kuczyński

Stop looking for temporary solutions and quick fixes to your problems. You only have so many opportunities to escape your circumstances in life/Artist credit: Paweł Kuczyński

Who really rules the world?/ Artist unknown

The zombie apocalypse is already here…/Artist credit: Steve Cutts

Time waits for no one…/Artist credit: Paweł Kuczyński

We were born to change this cruel world, but then we get brainwashed to serve it/Artist credit: Anthony Clarkson

There is nothing glorious or praiseworthy about war, except the day it ceases to exist/Artist credit: Paweł Kuczyński

It’s all just a game to them, and the people are the one’s that always lose /Artist credit: Luis Quiles

“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.” — Paul Farmer/Artist credit: Paweł Kuczyński

“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals.”/Artist unknown

A politicians promise will eventually end up in the gutter…/Artist credit: Paweł Kuczyński

If you don’t shape your own mind, the system will gladly do it for you/Artist credit: Steve Cutts

“We are born innocent. We are polluted by advice.” — Henry David Thoreau/Artist credit: Unknown

What an ignorant society thinks freedom is…/Artist credit: Steve Cutts

Perspective…/Artist credit: damnkidyk

Some more perspective…/Artist credit: Larry Torro

An endless cycle of shit… and we just keep eating it up/Artist credit: Steve Cutts

The domino effect…/Artist credit: Unknown

Rebellion is not what most people think it is; rebellion is when you turn off the TV and start educating yourself and thinking for yourself/Artist credit: luthyen1

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